Site credits
If I missed your name, let me know. In order of appearance in HTML code - pages are listed alphabetically by file directory, with the index of a folder listed at the top. I'm also omitting any credit to people for their own site buttons -- those are fairly obvious who is responsible for its creation, as well as already linking back to the creator's site. Many thanks to the people listed on this page, as this website would not be the same without them.
- Sunny on CodePen - Splash text code on /index.html
- John Kavanagh - Date range detection code in the splash text code on /index.html
- Ramtin on StackOverflow - Navbar code on /index.html
- jQuery team - jQuery, making the above possible
- W3Schools - Countdown code on /index.html
- Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz - "Very cool!" testimonial on /index.html
- Jace "weirdojace" McLain (Needlejuice Records, Nuclear Bubble Wrap) - "old internet vibes" testimonial on /index.html
- oerrorpage - "n0 th4nk5" testimonial on /index.html
- Dann - Site stats code on /index.html
- Prashant Shresta - integration code on /index.html
- Pavona Hoov - JAUP button on /buttons.html
- Groonklie on Tumblr - Homestar Runner button on /buttons.html
- Dave Meniketti & Taylor Rhodes - Original lyrics of "Contagious," parodied on /basement/lyrics/parodies/ImContagious.html
- Barnes & Barnes duo - Original lyrics of "I Gotta Get A Fake I.D.," parodied on /basement/lyrics/parodies/IGottaGetAFakeIP.html
- "Weird Al" Yankovic - Original lyrics of "This Is The Life," parodied on /basement/lyrics/parodies/ThisIsTheStrife.html, original lyrics of "Everything You Know Is Wrong" and "Why Does This Always Happen To Me?," parodied on /basement/lyrics/parodies/WhyIsEverythingIKnowAlwaysWrong.html
Special Thanks to...
- Neocities - Site hosting services
- Namecheap - Domain name hosting
- My father - Code help in the early days of the site, almost none of it has likely survived since then however
- Eatyourburger - First Neocities site I ever saw, practically the gateway drug
- Feign - First follower on my site(?)
- Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz - Trading the "The Essential 'Weird Al' Yankovic 3.0" CD set to me, and generally just being a cool guy.