44Nifty's Awesome Website Of Awesomeness, Coolness, Tubularity, Insanity, and 50 other useless adjectives!

Yes, the title being unnecessarily long WAS necessary.

Music Stuff

Hey there! You seem to have stumbled upon my music page. This is a section of my site dedicated to, well, music I like. Here's some stuff!


Or you can stick around and read a list of my favorite musically related items.

Favorite artists/bands

  1. "Weird Al" Yankovic
  2. Lemon Demon
  3. Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club
  4. Nuclear Bubble Wrap
  5. Y&T
  6. Tenacious D
  7. They Might be Giants

Favorite albums

  1. Running with Scissors (1999, "Weird Al" Yankovic)
  2. Damn Skippy (2005, Lemon Demon)
  3. In 3-D (1984, "Weird Al" Yankovic)
  4. Nature Tapes (2014, Lemon Demon)Yes I know this is an EP but I don't care
  5. Mandatory Fun (2014, "Weird Al" Yankovic)
  6. Spirit Phone (2016, Lemon Demon)
  7. Tenacious D (2001, Tenacious D)
  8. Dinosaurchestra (2006, Lemon Demon)
  9. Goodbye, My 4-Track (2003, Logan Whitehurst & the JSC)
  10. Flood (1990, They Might be Giants)
  11. Contagious (1987, Y&T)

Favorite song on those albums

  1. Albuquerque ("Weird Al" Yankovic - Running with Scissors)
  2. Subtle Oddities (Lemon Demon - Damn Skippy)
  3. Nature Trail to Hell ("Weird Al" Yankovic - In 3-D)
  4. Two Trucks (Lemon Demon - Nature Tapes)Yes I still know this is an EP but I still don't care
  5. Jackson Park Express ("Weird Al" Yankovic - Mandatory Fun)
  6. As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It (Lemon Demon - Spirit Phone)
  7. City Hall c.f.b. Tribute (Tenacious D - S/T)
  8. Action Movie Hero Boy (Lemon Demon - Dinosaurchestra)
  9. The Robot Cat (Logan Whitehurst & the JSC - Goodbye, My 4-Track)
  10. Birdhouse in Your Soul (They Might be Giants - Flood)
  11. Fight For Your Life (Y&T - Contagious)