44Nifty's Awesome Website Of Awesomeness, Coolness, Tubularity, Insanity, and 50 other adjectives!

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TURN ON JAVASCRIPT, DOGGONE IT! until I see Weird Al in concert!


"Very cool, some hard to find stuff too!" - Jon "Bermuda" Schwartz, Weird Al's drummer, regarding the Weird Al collection

"Your website is so early internet vibes" - Jace "weirdojace" McLain, of Needlejuice Records and Nuclear Bubble Wrap

"n0 th4nk5" - oerrorpage, Neocities user


A webring is a circular structure of websites, where all members put next and previous links on their site that connect to other sites in the webring. Eventually, if you click "next" enough times, you'll end up back on the site you started at, having completed the loop.

Hotline Webring

Fanlistings And Similar

Not quite webrings, but in a similar vein. Here's every fanlisting(ish) I'm in!
Elements of Harmony - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
IT'S SHOWTIME! - Undertale Soundtrack
Satire - "Weird Al" Yankovic
Did I Mention The Drive-Thru? - "Weird Al" Yankovic - Trapped In The Drive Thru
Movies - DVDs
The Ultimate Party Pony - Cheese Sandwich from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
CDwORLD - CD Pixel clique / My collection*
Teeny Towers - Tower-based pixel clique / My tower
*not actually my CD collection.

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Coming soon...
© 2021-2024
Powered by Neocities and Namecheap

This website is not yet intended for canine consumption. Please consult your dentist for consumption advice. We take no responsibility for any spontanious combustion that occurs as a result of the use of this website. Do not use 44Nifty.com in lieu of parmesan cheese, body wax, motor oil, or twisty-puzzle lubrication. This is not a toy. Keep away from children between the ages of 7 and 81. This site is not affiliated with Farkle and Farkle byproducts. Using 44Nifty.com as hair gel is strongly recommended. We claim no responsibility for any hair loss that may result from use of 44Nifty.com. You do the Hokey Pokey and your turn yourself around. That's what it's all about. Wacka wacka doo doo yeah.