44Nifty's Awesome Website Of Awesomeness, Coolness, Tubularity, Insanity, and 50 other useless adjectives!
Yes, the title being unnecessarily long WAS necessary.
Yes, the title being unnecessarily long WAS necessary.
My first polka original-artist-ification, and I think it kinda shows. It's a take on "Brony Polka" by AnimatedJames. It's not terrible, but it could be better. This was completed on May 14th, 2024, but wasn't published to YouTube until over a month later, out of embarrassment.
This time, a polka medley that pays direct tribute to the man who invented polka medleys in their modern form. Some of the edits aren't perfect, but it's already a drastic step up from Brony Polka WTOA.
Completed around the same time as Al-polka-lypse, this one's a tribute to Lemon Demon. The original medley was recorded around 2008, as a 22nd-birthday-gift to Neil Cicierega, the man behind Lemon Demon. This is probably between Brony Polka and Al-polka-lypse in terms of quality, at least with my own work.
The most recent polka originification, Minecraft Polka With The Original Artists is likely the highest quality of the four so far. I even got to skip on editing one song, since the song was already made by the person who made the medley! Isn't that awesome?